[50%SALE New Pack✅]InfiniTUNES -Real instrument songs collection-music control & combination system!

**InfiniTUNES **has been released at the Unity Asset Store and is -50% off in New Sales Discount for two weeks !
The asset can be upgraded to the Environment Building Bundle for only $65 during the sale.

This is the new thread for the upcoming InfiniTUNES music collections from ARTnGAME.

The asset offers 3 unique music tracks, played with real instruments and include the full songs, as well as the individual instrument tracks.

The collection includes the InfiniTUNE system, to combine and play the music.

The main purpose of the collections is to offer a new way of handling music, by including the separate instrument tracks and using the new InfiniTUNE system that can combine the tracks with user defined sound levels, for the creation of Moods that can be applied to the game as needed.

The first music collection includes 3 main tracks and their individual instrument tracks, total 17 tracks. For the creation of music real instruments have been used and the music has been composed and partially played by the composer Theodore Tsoukalas.

SoundCloud samples of Medieval Collection A:

InfiniTUNE Manual:

**InfiniTUNES **has been released at the Unity Asset Store and is -50% off in New Sales Discount for two weeks, until 14 July ! The asset can upgrade to the Environment Building Bundle for only $65 during the sale!

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InfiniTUNES v0.2 has been released at the Unity Asset Store!

InfiniTUNES Collection A - Medieval Real Instrument Music v0.1a

  • Added new demo with refinements on the music volume for the various Biomes.

InfiniTUNES Collection A - Medieval Real Instrument Music v0.1b

  • Fixed an issue where the change to next music by track time was not passed properly to the system.
  • Added debug option for preview of the track time when the new track is set.
  • Added debug option to see how much Unity time elapsed since song started play
  • Added new demo scene showcasing the new change track after previous track length option
  • Added time offset to reduce the play time before choose another clip, as the clip play time may be less than the nominal clip length.

InfiniTUNES Collection A - Medieval Real Instrument Music v0.2

  • Fixed an issue when entering a new biome and using the per track length change track timing.
  • Corrected the sound mixer to have the pitch at 100%, for correct track play time.

InfiniTUNES music collection & controller is released with -50% discount, in Unity New Assets Sale!

Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 & __InfiniTUNES __can upgrade to the Environment Building Bundle for only $65 for a limited time!

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $65 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)

InfiniTUNES v0.3 has been released at the Unity Asset Store with major upgrades to the InfiniTUNE system.

InfiniTUNES Collection A - Medieval Real Instrument Music v0.3

  • Fixed an issue where tracks would not start correctly when changing biomes using the terrain layers method.
  • Added terrain based biome music changing demo.

InfiniTUNES music collection & controller is released with -50% discount, in Unity New Assets Sale, until 14th July!

Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 & __InfiniTUNES __can upgrade to the Environment Building Bundle for only $65 for a limited time!

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $65 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)

Music samples (Sound Cloud)

InfiniTUNES Collection B has been released at the Unity Asset Store with -50% discount for 2 weeks, until 7th August 2023!
(Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 and Environment Building Bundle users can upgrade to the InfiniTUNES Collection B for $9!)

The new pack contains 3 new main songs written with real instruments and also the individual instrument tracks for combination with the InfiniTUNE system.

Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 & InfiniTUNES Collection B users can upgrade to the Environment Building Bundle for only $79 for a limited time!

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $79 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)

InfiniTUNES v0.4 has been released at the Unity Asset Store with major upgrades to the InfiniTUNE system.

InfiniTUNES Collection A - Medieval Real Instrument Music v0.4

  • Fixed an issue where changing the track list in the editor would cause an error and needed to use Debug mode to resolve it.
  • Fixed the display of the Moods name in the music combiner script.

Environment Building Bundle is on 75% upgrade sale:
First buy InfiniTUNES Real Instrument Music Collection B for $39.
Then upgrade to the Environment Building Bundle for $69, for a total of $108 (75% Off, $460 normal price)!
Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 users__ __can also upgrade to Environment Building Bundle for only $69 for limited time!

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store
(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $65 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)


InfiniTUNES Real Instrument Music Collection A ($39) can now be upgraded to the Environment Building Bundle for $49 (total $88, 80% discount over the $460 normal price), for a limited time!

ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store

InfiniTUNES Medieval Music Collection D has been released at the Unity Asset Store and is on -50% new asset discount for 2 weeks, until 4th June 2024!

The asset is added as a bonus to the Medieval Instrumental Music Bundle as a discounted $5 upgrade. Medieval Instrumental Music Bundle is a $3 upgrade from the Environment Building Bundle.

Environment Building Bundle is now on big Sale for a limited time!
First upgrade from InfiniTUNES Medieval Music Collection D ($14.5) to Sky Master ULTIMATE for $35 and then from Sky Master ULTIMATE to the Environment Building Bundle for only $69 for a limited time!

Total of $120 for all ARTnGAME assets in the Bundle! (70% Discount vs $460 normal price!)

Enjoy :slight_smile:
ARTnGame - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - Youtube - Reddit - Asset Store