6 Minutes to duplicate a simple asset?


Duplicating or saving assets/scenes suddenly takes around 4 minutes or more - no assets added, no code written that would affect this.

It only happens sometimes, often a few times in a row and then it returns back to normal save times, like 20sec or 30sec … (for the same assets)

Profiler says “Saving Assets to Disc” self ms is ~3.5min.

It always worked fine till the last week, this is the worst flow breaker I ever had.
(The project is 75GB large.)

anyone else experiencing the same?
Did some windows update break unity?
Any ideas what could cause this or how to fix it?

There is currently an issue with unity that causes these loading bars that freeze unity for minutes or hours. there is no fix.

We don’t know what is the problem that cause this behavior. Some have different ideas and speculations you can see some here in this thread

Lots of busy... Hold on.... etc? page-9

I’ve had the same problem you describe and it will only get worse from now on. Doing random things like saving a scene or existing unity or duplicating an assets lock unity.

Some days it will work fine others you will get these loading bars very frequently and you can’t do your work.

It got so worse that I’ve had to scrap the project and slowly rebuild it as modules in separate smaller projects so if this issue reapers with any of those projects will take less time to rebuild or maybe I can identify what is the cause.

Wow - ok we’ll clean up the project after the next milestone. Then “Reimport All” and hoping for the best.