6000.0.33 a dumpster fire constant shader and inspector window paint freezes if use this button also light map encode error always on fresh project

upgrade hdrp to latest version button

rebaking light corrupts everything massive bugs

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Specifically InspectorWindow.Paint delays can have a number of reasons, these get reported every now and then, and quite often are actually caused by custom scripts. For instance, a common case is an Inspector containing an excess number of items to draw (including collapsed lists). Use the Profiler to analyze such issues.

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just so you know code smile rebuilding lighting and rebaking with unity 6 all the way up to 6000.0.33 does not work and the reflection problems make corrupted black splotches and black walls from the light corrupting on walls if you use large reflection probes

I don’t need to know this. You need to understand that posting problems here without nearly enough detail to investigate isn’t going to fix anything.


how dare you code smile unity 6 has been so buggy when it came out and its al because unity cannot do what unreal has now which is realtime path tracing