
I’m working on a LAN based multilayer system at work and I’m 99% sure the the port 50005 is blocked, which half explains the error I get:

The connection request to failed. Are you sure the server can be connected to?

The half I don’t understand where in the code this connection request is coming from in the first place? I thought I had disabled NAT, and I’m not trying to run a master server,

Apparently the IP is registered by Liquid Web, Inc. just outside of Detroit.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


without any code we will never be able to know.

OK, found it.

I replaced:

Network.InitializeServer(32, port, true);


Network.InitializeServer(32, port, false);

Setting NAT to false. Still no idea where the address originated from though.

Any thoughts?

NAT traversal requires a third party machine to determine the public IP addresses of the people that are trying to talk to each other, and to help them guess ports they can communicate on. I guess that’s just the host Unity uses for that.

The facilitator (used for NAT) address is accessible here: Network.natFacilitatorIP

Sorry for posting in an old post.

Network.InitializeServer(2, 25000, true);

The above code was running successfully until yesterday. But today it is giving following error message:

When I tested code with following line, it runs smoothly:

Network.InitializeServer(2, 25000, false);

Could anyone throw some light on this issue?

And yes my game requires internet connection so I think I must use useNat = true. But I am not able to do so due to this problem. is the IP to Unitys master server. It seems like the server is currently down

Do you use “!Network.HavePublicAddress();”

I am also facing the issue for unable to connect:
Failed to connect to master server at

How can I use my own master server when I add my own IP address. There is another error:
Failed to initialize network interface. Is the listen port already in use?
It’s not possible to register a host until it is running.

I am new to networking and unable to understand these issues.