I’m working on a LAN based multilayer system at work and I’m 99% sure the the port 50005 is blocked, which half explains the error I get:
The connection request to failed. Are you sure the server can be connected to?
The half I don’t understand where in the code this connection request is coming from in the first place? I thought I had disabled NAT, and I’m not trying to run a master server,
Apparently the IP is registered by Liquid Web, Inc. just outside of Detroit.
NAT traversal requires a third party machine to determine the public IP addresses of the people that are trying to talk to each other, and to help them guess ports they can communicate on. I guess that’s just the host Unity uses for that.
I am also facing the issue for unable to connect:
Failed to connect to master server at
How can I use my own master server when I add my own IP address. There is another error:
Failed to initialize network interface. Is the listen port already in use?
It’s not possible to register a host until it is running.
I am new to networking and unable to understand these issues.