[75% off] MarkLight - Declarative Design for Unity (XUML)

MarkLight available at the AssetStore

Source and documentation also available on github: GitHub - ex-makina/marklight: MarkLight is a presentation framework for Unity that allows you to create scene elements in a language similar to HTML.

What is MarkLight?

MarkLight is framework for Unity that offers XUML (eXtensible Unity Markup Language) a declarative design language similar in syntax to HTML but instead of defining the contents of a webpage it is used to design scenes in Unity.

XUML can be used to create views and define their relationship to the underlying game logic. Views are modular building blocks that can represent anything in the scene (UI widgets, meshes, lights, etc).

I am looking into either purchasing MarkLight or XmlLayout. Both seem very nice and somewhat similar. MarkLight has binding but XmlLayout supports table layout. Having developed several years in Silverlight I do like the XAML style binding but the table layout is very nice and I would make great use of this. Is table layout something you plan to support? Also, am I able to display 3D objects within MarkLight (ex. a shop or inventory display that displays 3D objects in grid where each item can rotate and scale? Also, particle article effects so that if, for example, I select an object a particle effect is be displayed? Lastly, I understand that the layout is responsive, which is nice in order to support different screen resolutions, but can the text and any images, etc. be scaled (if desired) proportionally?

Also, is there a demo of the UI I can try?

Thank you.

Hi Steven

Unfortunately there is no demo available, but I’ll try answer your questions and if you want to ask the community questions there is a chat here: https://marklight.herokuapp.com

You can achieve table/grid layout through the DataGrid view. I’m considering adding a Grid view that is only to be used for creating layout grids, e.g. a more light-weight version than the DataGrid. The DataGrid also features selection logic, table headers, etc. (that can be turned off).

If you’re interested when this feature will be implemented you can follow the issue here:

Yes, you can create custom MarkLight views that presents and displays 3D objects (like meshes). You can then add them in anywhere in the UI. I also plan on adding a feature so you can add and nest gameobjects not created through marklight inside the marklight hierarchy and they will persist as the marklight objects are (re)generated.

Have a nice day,

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I plan on purchasing this today.

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I purchased this way back before it became free (almost a year ago) and I’m sure there’s no longer any support for this but I’m hoping someone can answer these questions (some users who know this asset well may consider them stupid, lol.) I was using another UI framework but I figured it’s about time I use this instead and I love it.

1.For image views I need the aspect ratio preserved and scaled inside its parent view (container). I know background images have this ability but does the image view? I need to show them in a list item (in order to create a grid of images) but I need the aspect ratio preserved.
2. Is there way to for the UI to scale with the screen (I’ve tried percentages but this doesn’t seem to be supported correctly across UI elements.)
3. Is there a way to show a prefab inside a view? (I’m thinking of 3D objects.)

This is really an awesome asset. It’s a shame the developer did not get the success it deserved.


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Hy, is there a way to get back the online documentation? www.marklightforunity.com is down unfortunately :frowning:

Best regards :slight_smile:

Hi Red, the documentation can downloaded through git: https://github.com/ex-makina/marklight
and browsed locally :).


Thx @patrik-org :slight_smile:

Did you ever find an answer to this question? I would also like to know how to scale elements to screensize.