7zip, lzma, LZ4, fastLZ, zip/gzip & brotli native multiplatform plugins.

I got it work now. I followed this thread[ UCB Demos ](http:// UCB Demos )to figure out how to add the linker flag to the xcode project[.](http:// UCB Demos )
More specifically I used this code

        public static void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildTarget buildTarget, string path)
            if(buildTarget == BuildTarget.iOS)
                Debug.Log("[UCB Demos] OnPostprocessBuildiOS");
                string projPath = path + "/Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj";

                PBXProject proj = new PBXProject();

                string target = proj.TargetGuidByName("Unity-iPhone");

                // Set a custom link flag
                proj.AddBuildProperty(target, "OTHER_LDFLAGS", "-ObjC");
                proj.AddBuildProperty(target, "OTHER_LDFLAGS", "-lz");

                File.WriteAllText(projPath, proj.WriteToString());

all is well now. Thanks :slight_smile:

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