8th Wall Black Camera Screen on Build for Android


I’ve ran into an issue where when I build my application to my android device Samsung Galaxy S9+ - The AR Camera is not registered and instead gives me a black screen. I was wondering if anyone has a solution to this. Here is some of the logs from the logcat from ADB and also images regarding my Unity Settings

What i’ve tried
Re-imported 8th Wall Unity Package / Overwrote everything other than AppSettings
Scripting Backend IL2CPP
Auto Graphics API Toggle in Player Settings
Unchecked Arm64 in Player Settings
Color Space to Linear with OpenGLES2.0
Color Space with Gamma with OpenGLES2.0
With OpenGLES3.0 for #5 and #6
Deleted Library Folder to Reimport All
Changed Camera Far / Near Clipping Pane to 0.1 Near , to 1000 Far
Graphics Jobs (Experimental) in Player Settings Checked
Android Resolver - Force Resolve
Development Build
XRController in scene → Enable Remote → False
XRController in scene → Enable Camera → True
XRController in scene → Enable camera Auto Focus → True


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Same issue here but with ARFoundation, did you ever fix?