9 slice scaling for non GUI Sprites


I know since Unity 4.6 we have automatic 9 slice scaling for UI elements. But does this also apply to non GUI sprites? I have a sprite imported (as Sprite 2D and UI) and the borders adjusted. Then I have a game object and a sprite renderer attached to it. This sprite renderer holds a reference to the sprite mentioned earlier. When I now scale the game object the sprite renderer scales accordingly. Unfortunately the sprite does not respect its borders.

I scaled the game object using its localScale property. There is no other code, which needs to be mentioned here. Does Unity support 9 slice scaling and borders respectively also for sprites used in sprite renderers? If not is there any simple way to accomplish this?

best regards

9-slice on sprite renderer is a new feature inbound. Check out this thread : 2D Alpha Build Leaked! - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions