98$ of Unity Ads revenue lost?

I made a game few years ago and I’ve had 98 bucks on my account since then.

I didn’t really bother taking them out since it isn’t a life changing amount but I want to know wheter my account bugged, Unity changed method of displaying it or what exactly happened.

Long story short, I want to know if I can trust Unity Ads or not in the future.
I do have a screenshot of few years ago when I was having the earning peak so you can see that I had some revenue.

I’m in the same boat (see here: Legacy ads support issue)

I submitted a support ticket over 4 months ago and was ghosted by the support person who initially asked me to provide more information about my legacy account (which I did). After waiting months and getting no response, I submitted a second support ticket which was just completely ignored, despite the support page saying to expect a response in 48 hours.

And unsurprisingly the forum post I made has been ignored as well.

It appears as though Unity staff are not addressing issues related to owed earnings from legacy ads.

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That’s crazy. Google is so good about monetization. I was going 100% into LevelPlay but I think I’ll go for Admob/AppLovin instead at this point.
I don’t want to get my money stolen on my next big project.


Did you check your Invoice tab in the Monetization dashboard->Finance page? Earnings will be sent out to Invoice tab at the end of the month, then if the total amount of unpaid earnings exceeds the threshold (min value: $100), the payment process will begin.