I’m trying to modify the Angry Bots autofire script.
So, you want to be able to either:
a.) Tap the fire button and shoot only one shot
b.) Hold down the fire button and shoot repeatedly at a fixed rate
The original script just played and stopped the audioclip “onStartFire” and OnStopFire" signals. As it stands now, it fires one shot cleanly using the “PlayClipAtPoint” command but doesn’t rapidfire. I’m sure it’s because I don’t understand the Vector3 command.
@script RequireComponent (PerFrameRaycast)
var bulletPrefab : GameObject;
var spawnPoint : Transform;
var frequency : float = 10;
var coneAngle : float = 1.5;
var firing : boolean = false;
var damagePerSecond : float = 20.0;
var forcePerSecond : float = 20.0;
var hitSoundVolume : float = 0.5;
var gunPlay : AudioClip;
var gunStop : AudioSource;
var muzzleFlashFront : GameObject;
private var lastFireTime : float = -1;
private var raycast : PerFrameRaycast;
function Awake () {
muzzleFlashFront.SetActive (false);
raycast = GetComponent.<PerFrameRaycast> ();
if (spawnPoint == null)
spawnPoint = transform;
function Update () {
if (firing) {
if (Time.time > lastFireTime + 1 / frequency) {
// Spawn visual bullet
var coneRandomRotation = Quaternion.Euler (Random.Range (-coneAngle, coneAngle), Random.Range (-coneAngle, coneAngle), 0);
var go : GameObject = Spawner.Spawn (bulletPrefab, spawnPoint.position, spawnPoint.rotation * coneRandomRotation) as GameObject;
var bullet : SimpleBullet = go.GetComponent.<SimpleBullet> ();
lastFireTime = Time.time;
// Find the object hit by the raycast
var hitInfo : RaycastHit = raycast.GetHitInfo ();
if (hitInfo.transform) {
// Get the health component of the target if any
var targetHealth : Health = hitInfo.transform.GetComponent.<Health> ();
if (targetHealth) {
// Apply damage
targetHealth.OnDamage (damagePerSecond / frequency, -spawnPoint.forward);
// Get the rigidbody if any
if (hitInfo.rigidbody) {
// Apply force to the target object at the position of the hit point
var force : Vector3 = transform.forward * (forcePerSecond / frequency);
hitInfo.rigidbody.AddForceAtPosition (force, hitInfo.point, ForceMode.Impulse);
// Ricochet sound
var sound : AudioClip = MaterialImpactManager.GetBulletHitSound (hitInfo.collider.sharedMaterial);
AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint (sound, hitInfo.point, hitSoundVolume);
bullet.dist = hitInfo.distance;
else {
bullet.dist = 1000;
function OnStartFire () {
if (Time.timeScale == 0)
firing = true;
muzzleFlashFront.SetActive (true);
//if (audio && gunPlay.isPlaying){
// yield WaitForSeconds (gunPlay.clip.length);
// gunPlay.Play ();
//else {
audio.PlayClipAtPoint (gunPlay,Vector3 (5, 1, 2));
function OnStopFire () {
firing = false;
muzzleFlashFront.SetActive (false);
if (audio){
gunStop.Play ();
//else {
// gunStop.Play ();