A bit lost - how do I apply changes to a prefab instance (outside of Prefab Stage)?

Is there an alternative way of applying new GameObjects when editing a prefab instance in the main stage, aside from going into a context menu and clicking “Added GameObject → Apply To Prefab”? Likewise, is there an alternative way of applying new Components when editing a prefab instance in the main stage, aside from clicking a tiny top right button and choosing “Added Component → Apply To Prefab”? I assumed there would be a button like “Apply” somewhere, which would scan whole prefab for changes/additions and write them, but I can’t find anything like that so far.

Outside of adding new objects and components, which at least have a status indicator icon and context actions allowing you to apply them to a prefab, I’m entirely lost with applying other changes to prefabs - like edits to serialized colors of UI widgets or positions of transforms. Now that there is no “Apply” button on top of prefab instance inspector, I’m not sure how these are supposed to be saved at all.

Obviously, prefab stage is available - there, saving those changes is trivial. But not all changes are always done there, sometimes you edit something through an instance, in a broader context of a scene.


Okay, that’s embarrassing - I completely missed the “overrides” button.

Maybe it’s worth bolding or tinting that button whenever any overrides are detected, making discovering it a bit easier for slow people like me? :slight_smile:


Covered in the Improved Prefabs FAQ: https://discussions.unity.com/t/705357

That’s not a bad idea, but always think long-term too: there are many times when you want the Overrides to just be there. In that scenario, you have this button always calling for your attention.

But maybe it could be something that’s not attracting the attention too much (so useless in this case for a new user), more like giving you a quick overview if you know where to look.

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