a bit of help with airplane guns

Hi there,

I’m making this game: http://www.screencast.com/t/u0Q62NNrLyq

As you can see when the airplane shoots, it throws something similar to fire balls.
This looks bad, it annoys me. I’ve played around with the particles trails and all but I can’t seem to figure a visually appealing way to get that shot across.

The issue is that I need to see it all the way until it ‘hits’. Or least far enough, so I know if it’s directed correctly towards the enemy.
I tried copying the shots particles from different packages but none seem to look nice on this case. Anyone is willing to give it a shot? (pump intended :wink:
I’m sure once you know how, it should be a simple particle set up… but I can’t and I’m going nuts with it.

If you know how to do this, PM me or post a package in here. I’d love to see it running.

Could you just use actual geometry with a self-illuminated type shader?

Try the Line Renderer Component. Use a fire material and you get nice tracer type lines following the trajectory of your projectile.


i feel its really something youll have to create yourself, and not try to copy paste from other packages.

a smoke trail or something should do just fine no? (i dont quite know exactly what kinda of solution ur going for)

i feel if you make the texture be self illuminated, it will always look like some type of futuristic fireball of a sort, because it is unrealistic compared to the kind of plane your flying. the only thing that will visually changed is the scale of the missile, but not the actual lighting, so it may loose some dimension of distance

maybe loose the sphere also? maybe a more suggestive bullet like a stretched out line that shows something is moving fast… idk if you know what im talking about lol

hope it helpss!

Yep, got it working and looking nice :slight_smile:

Video (the software video capture fps sucks, the game runs smooth): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCkEDuBNjgM
Download: http://snipr.com/dogfight

There is a free lite version too. Submitting it during the week.