A blimp

this is a blimp im working on :smile:


EDIT: dam i wanted first post but charlie got it :frowning:


For your new avatar?

Really great proportions, keep going!

It will be used in my new avatar but is going to be in a stockpile of models that could be used in a RTS

Thanks everyone for your kind words :smile: any sugestions? or shall i start texturing :smile:

You really donā€™t need anymore detail if itā€™s only going to be for a RTS. You could make more guns, some interior but really, itā€™s not needed.

Go team texture!

You might kill me ( and im all ok with that ) but donā€™t start texturing. I say this because you model is not complete! I can see soooo much poly wastage ( im a lowpoly hore :stuck_out_tongue: ) I will do a little paint over in a sec but first I want to talk abit about your insertsā€¦ why? Why have such small intruded inserts that really wonā€™t be that noticable and can be achieved through the texture.

secondly the bit that sticks out the frontā€¦ detach it and clean up.

Picture says everythingā€¦ on the deck of the ship it will only save you 1-2 tris but thats not the main reason for doing it that way, its so that you dont get errors if you decide to have shading .etc. I dought it would give errors with the amount of polys but better safe than sorry.

The main issue at the moment (polycount wise) is the intruded ngon inserts.

And thirdlyā€¦ it looks cool!

Ok i havent started texturing yet so its ok, ill try removing the insets and quckly texture one to see if it still looks good, but i dont know i think it will loose alot of detail :slight_smile: thanks for the advice :smile:

Might loose some detail from a very tight angle but with your model you donā€™t really have any.

I guess its your preffrence on what looks better in the end, but abit of experimentation getting their dosent hert :stuck_out_tongue:

just a quick test myself.

Hey titanty, looking really good. There is a lot of extra faces on the front on the blimp part though. Using edge caps it a bed idea. Leads to tons of triangles. I would delete that whole end cap then connect the vertices. That way you can do it with Quads instead of Tris and itā€™ll drop down the count quite a bit.

I feel a great styled RTS coming up then :stuck_out_tongue:

cool blimp, i like it.

Im not sure what you meen? unity converts it to tiangles anyway so its not realy a problem?

Onless you meen what Micah said?

It seems like you have triangles, where you should only have quads. Micahsā€™ post highlighting these areas should be an effective enough means to isolate, and change these areas before texturing. Check your model uniformly to make sure there are no three pointed faces, faces that have only three vertices. Before texturing, or animating a model you should have models based entirely on quads.

I updated it :smile: i did everything Micah said :slight_smile: i left the big fin at the back still inset, and the balloon still inset.


May i just ask why its important to have quads and not triangles?

Mmostly how lighting plays off it. It also cuts down on total draw count. Go to the front of the balloon with all the tris, delete them all and connect.

Habit for me.

As Iā€™ve known it: Unless it makes sense to use triangles, and unless the game engine doesnā€™t convert triangles into more triangles then triā€™s can be used where they apply for shapes. Quads will likely be converted into triangles by the game engine. Converting a mesh to triangles, when it has quads, and triangles, can produce triangulated faces, off of triangulated faceā€¦ Adding more polygons than is necessary.

For a low poly non-organic model itā€™s fine. Itā€™s just habit. Triangles donā€™t act the same way quads do when sub-dividing a mesh to provide normal, displacement, or bump maps. I know displacement isnā€™t applicable for real-time, but normal maps are, which are often generated from programs like Z Brush. Dividing triangles 2 to even 9 times for an organic, and non-organic meshes to sculpt organic, or hard-surface details can cause sculpting issues, and thus, painting, or texturing issues.

I see 7 triangulated faces that could potentially be replicated two times more producing 7 more triangles than is needed, when you could have four quads that would only produce 7 triangles.

Thatā€™s how Iā€™ve grown to understand tris, and quads.

Unity uses triangles. However, quads plain and simple, light better, due to the shape and more uniform vertex distribution. Quads also in general, animate better. Quadified geometry may or may not be required for tessellation the future. But for now, everything uses triangles.

Thatā€™s right.

I have taken a close look at your model: it is fine, they are mostly actually quads. Youā€™re just seeing more triangles due to the modelling package. Ignore the cries of panic, all ā€œquadā€ meshes look much worse when you tell the 3D package to show all edges. Thereā€™s a couple of triangles which could easily be merged into a cleaner mesh but why are you wasting time, it wonā€™t change performance or look better.

Whatā€™s important on the geometry that I can see on your blimp is that verts are evenly distributed in a sane manner, and that the normals look correct.

Iā€™d love to see you progress a bit more now, maybe texturing and moving onto other models. If you obsess over the one model forever, I donā€™t think that game is going to progress and nor will your skillset :slight_smile:

Oh ok :smile:

@EnigmaFactory, i dont think that is feesable as once unity converts to tris it will have 92 triangles whereas the current way only has 32 triangles(for the tip of the balloon).

@hippocoder, thanks thats the first time ive been called sane in my life :smile: im just taking a break from my game(in my signiture) for a week or so. then ill kick back into gear and churne out the assets(all quality of course) :smile: