A book on UnityScript?

I know I’ll just get told to look at the documentation, but I want to ask if there’s a anything like the documentation but in a book format for easier reading. I tend to get easily frustrated when watching videos on scripting, so I just want a book or dictionary on the terms and everything in UnityScript.


You can find C# courses everywhere on the web, and not only on videos.

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UnityScript is no longer supported.


Don’t spend any time on this. UnityScript is many years deprecated and now no longer even supported.

Instead, hie thee to look up how C# works. It’s all good juicy solid reliable C# now, no more of that Fisher Price JavaScript business from the bad old days. :slight_smile:

I’m gonna assume that OP at some point saw the word “UnityScript”, and assumed it meant “the scripting language used for Unity”, not knowing that UnityScript referred to a specific language, which a) is deprecated, b) was often called JavaScript before it was deprecated (despite not being Javascript), c) was an objectively inferior option for years before it was deprecated, and d) was fundamentally a lie from the marketing department in the early days of Unity.

UnityScript was a language invented specifically for Unity, designed to work within the Mono runtime while superficially resembling JavaScript (as in the browser scripting language), but was different enough from JavaScript that you could never, for example, copy an algorithm you found on the internet written in Javascript and have it work in Unity. It was developed and advertised under the name “JavaScript” to, basically, trick web developers into thinking that Unity would be easier for them to learn than it actually was. It is deprecated since 2017, and inadvisable for quite a long time before that.

The scripting language used for Unity, now, is C#. It supports the entire C# language, so you can plug any C# code into Unity and it will compile, and in many cases work seamlessly. (The biggest caveat here is that, to be made useful, whatever results you get from such an algorithm would have to be turned into the data types that Unity uses, such as the Color or Vector3 structs.)

To bring this around to your question: What you should search for in books would be something like “C# for Unity book”. I don’t want to give specific recommendations for a book there, because (like most of the experienced users here) I learned Unity so long ago that any learning materials I have any experience with are almost certainly woefully obsolete. I will say that you should probably seek out something that has been published in about 2017 or later - there are quite a few significant changes in Unity around that time that you’ll benefit from learning the modern variation of. (for example, the new Canvas-based UI system and the MecAnim animation system, as well as the introduction of what used to be pro features into Unity Free like render textures) Obviously there are always new features being added but it feels like 2016-2017 was really a banner year for “everything you were taught is now wrong” type changes in Unity.


O’Reilly makes good programming books. Maybe give one of their C# In a Nut Shell books a try. I forget what C# version Unity is up to, so hesitate to link you a specific one. (Does Unity support C# 8 now, or just up to 7?)

Just up to 7, currently.
I’m eagerly waiting for default interface implementations.

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