A bug when instantiating (spawning stones)

Hello i have a script where a stone is sopose to spawn, and after u have walked up to it and picked it up, it will start a timer to then instantiate a new stone. But the problem is, when i pick up the first stone, then on the secound try, when an other stone has spawned, if i rightclick to pick it up, it gives me 200 stones? Did i do something wrong in the script?
Thanks ~carlqwe

#pragma strict

var StonePrefab : Transform;
private var canSpawnStone : boolean = false;

function Start () 

function Update ()
	if(canSpawnStone == true)

function SpawnStonesWait ()
	yield WaitForSeconds(5);

function SpawnStones ()
	 Instantiate(StonePrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation);
	 canSpawnStone = false;

function OnTriggerStay (col : Collider)
	if(col.tag == "Player" && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
		canSpawnStone = true;

You need to put “canSpawnStone = false;” to here:

function Update ()
     if(canSpawnStone == true)
         canSpawnStone = false; // here put bool false because you spawn new stones 5 seconds each frame before you false bool!

And here delete bool false:

function SpawnStones ()
      Instantiate(StonePrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation);
      canSpawnStone = false; // delete here!!!!!!