A bunch of UNTxxxx and CSxxxx warnings after git pull and moving from Unity 2021.3.16f1 to 2021.3.43f1

Hello. I was developing on Unity 2021.3.16f1, then reinstall a clean windows. Therefore, I need to pull back my project from git, and used the lastest patch of Unity 2021. Didn’t reallize these warnings before too late (pushed already). I have no clue about them, cause they were all from Unity files. Tried to modify them, applying the auto- fixes, they work, but thing is, I’m not so sure that I should do that or not. If I don’t, they are annoying, and, there is one problem in gameplay screen - the UI scales are all wrong - that I am afraid it is because of those warnings. Was looking for solutions all over the internet but no answer. Appreciate any help. This is the error log (so sorry that I can not copy the list as it and I think It’s hard to feel it if I type them out):

well, othe warnings are self explanatory. However, it sounds like you need to check for package updates


Thank you for your reply.
I totally agree with you that they are self explanatory. Like I said in the first post, I did try to use auto-correct functions, and I can understand them quite well. Though, I need to explain right here (I didn’t express my thought well) that I want to know why did it happen, they completely make me feel like those errors are from unity itself. Like you said, I need to check for package updates, can you explain it to me clearer, why and how? I appreciate your help.

Thank you so much, I have taken a look on packages, and saw that the TMP package needs to be upgraded. You are my hero.

Why? Because unity has evolved and those older packages were for older versions


If you want a preview of what package updates you’ll need, try this Dragon Technique™:

  • make a brand new Unity project and go install all the packages you’re using in your actual game
  • now use diff or any other file compare to see the changes from Packages/manifest.json between the two projects

It’s such an obvious step, yet it didn’t occur to me for a while. This technique can give you a handy preview, but this is no substitute for proper source control branching discipline for upgrades, as well as staying in that branch until you really qualify what you’ve done to your project.

Remember: upgrading is almost always a one-way process, especially across major releases.

Here’s some more of my mad scribblings about this topic:

ISSUES RELATED TO UPGRADING PROJECTS (eg, changing to a higher Unity version)

Upgrading to a later version of Unity is a one-way process. Any project that has been updated should NEVER be reverted to an earlier version of Unity because this is expressly not supported by Unity. Doing so exposes your project to internal inconsistencies and breakage that may actually be impossible to repair.

If you want to upgrade to a newer version of Unity, do not even consider it until you have placed your project fully under proper source control. This goes double or triple for non-LTS (Tech Stream) versions of Unity3D, which can be extremely unstable compared with LTS.

Once you have source-controlled your project then you may attempt a Unity upgrade. Immediately after any attempted upgrade you should try to view as much of your project as possible, with a mind to looking for broken animations or materials or any other scripting errors or runtime issues.

After an upgrade you should ALWAYS build to all targets you contemplate supporting: iOS and Android can be particularly finicky, and of course any third party libraries you use must also “play nice” with the new version of Unity. Since you didn’t write the third party library, it is up to you to vet it against the new version to make sure it still works.

If there are issues in your testing after upgrading Unity, ABANDON the upgrade, revert your project in source control and be back where you were pre-upgrade with the earlier version of Unity.

Obviously the less you test after the upgrade the more chance you will have of an undiscovered critical issue.

This risk of upgrading is entirely on you and must be considered whenever you contemplate a Unity version upgrade.

Do not upgrade “just for fun” or you may become very unhappy.

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Appreciate! Your post provides me with so much information.

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