Thank you for the interest @VRPlayrion , Unity IAP v3.0.1 is now available.
For Unity 2021 it is a Release package:
- Add Unity IAP v3 to a new project by first enabling In-App Purchasing from the Services Window.
- Press the “Install Latest Version” button to install the latest, v3.0.1.
For Unity 2020 and Unity 2019, 3.0.1 is also available. While it is not yet verified in the latest '19 / '20 Unitys, 3.0.1 is ready for production:
Add Unity IAP to a new project by first enabling In-App Purchasing from the Services Window.
Navigate to the Package Manager
Ensure “Unity Registry” is selected as the package list source
Type “purchasing” or scroll to “In-App Purchasing”
Expand its pop-out triangle to see all available versions of the package
Choose 3.0.1 and select the “Update to 3.0.1” button to install the latest, v3.0.1
To upgrade an existing project from Unity IAP (com.unity.purchasing + the Asset Store plugin) versions 2.x to version 3.x, remove the Asset Store plugin from the project. Quick upgrade notes are visible in the package description. Alternatively, use the Migration tooling in the “Unity IAP” menus of 2.2.x before upgrading. Whichever process you choose to upgrade, these steps will need to be completed:
Move IAPProductCatalog.json and BillingMode.json
FROM: Assets/Plugins/UnityPurchasing/Resources/
TO: Assets/Resources/.
Move AppleTangle.cs and GooglePlayTangle.cs
FROM: Assets/Plugins/UnityPurchasing/generated
TO: Assets/Scripts/UnityPurchasing/generated.
Remove all remaining Asset Store plugin folders and files in Assets/Plugins/UnityPurchasing from the project.
Closing this announcement thread. Please see pinned [release notes thread]( Unity IAP package 4.12.2 is now available page-2#post-6918326) for more.