a cool 3D mouse for gamers modelers : Lexip 3DM


At Imagina 2010 was presented an awesome 3D mouse : Lexip 3DM.

Basically, it is a high-end mouse (1600 to 3600 dpi) with a thumb mini-joystick, and a rocking cradle (front-rear + left-right).

The cradle and the stick can be used for several purposes : 3D navigation on google Earth, running right-forward + leaning right + shooting + keyboard action all in the same time in a FPS, or driving a car in TrackMania for quick examples.

But what has driven me to buy one, except the will to free my WASD keys in WoW, is 3D modeling.

Here is a video explaining how it can interact in 3D softs.

(other purposes demoed in LexipBe3D youtube channel)

Reviews are very satisfied with experience, one even saying that for desktop works, the mouse is much better than an already proven quality product : Logitech MX Revolution.

Well, I admit that it’s not a real revolutionary interface, but it has neat design, is affordable, and could save precious minutes in 3D applications.

Product is sold in 3 versions : Home, Advanced and Pro.
Home is basic (1600 dpi) but no cradle rocking, Advanced has tweakable software (tweak dpi, etc) 3200 dpi and cradle rocking, and Pro got 3600 dpi + a dedicated team to develop special plugins for different applications (currently supporting most of 3D softwares).

Home Advanced can be found at least on Pixmania, but as it’s a growing but still young business, I don’t know how to buy the Pro outside of France.
Although, I’m sure that they could proceed with personal shipping and support.

Advanced version, UK Pixmania

Official Site (in french, unfortunately)

I will receive my Pro in like 4 days, so I’ll keep you in touch with a short review.

Looks interesting. Hope it makes it into the US so I can buy one. :slight_smile:

What I don’t like about this, compared to the SpaceNavigator, is that four axes are absolute, and two are relative.

and I really hoped that the logitech VX with its thumbwheel was the last experiment of uselessness.
Nobody can use such a thing on a realistic scale, and the thumb stick (and thumb) wear especially by the way it looks are likely heavy

… and as always :evil: no left hand version :evil:

Exactly. And considering I won’t model without a stylus, and I need my stylus in my right hand, it’s useless to me. In addition, I didn’t see the person in the video using more than 2 axes at a time, so it may be no more useful that a standard mouse anyway.

Actually, I think that he didn’t use them at the same time to clarify the feature.
If we couldn’t use them both, it would really be pissing off a lot of people (including me), and reviews would shout it everywhere ^^
I didn’t see any mention of that, so I think it’s possible.

Anyway, if the 2 cradle axis are not combinable, there is still the joystick/cradle combination for flawless movements.

Another point is that I keep seeing reviews about using it with FPS games, and people seem to be all very satisfied.

Will tell you when I receive mine :slight_smile:

I’m sure there are some retailers that could import it from UK/France :slight_smile:

What about a left handed version?

haha I am not sure…

But yeah i think this gadget is a very good idea if some lost left arm in an accident or maybe doesn’t have left arm and then would like to start 3D work.
In that way yes, this is a very good idea.

But as 3D artist. I do not really agree on the fact to save time on my work…

With mouse is very difficult to get the position you want with the camera… then a 1 cm joystick controlled by one finger… hmmm no thank you…

I also do not understand the difference using a very small joystick and using one keyboard key moving the mouse… :lol:

Last thing :

  • You mouse price is 77 pounds…

  • Mine is 5.5 pounds :


Then 77-5.5 = 71.5 pounds

71.5 pound = 108$USD

Damm I can buy a Crazy bump Personnal Licence!!!

(Oh shit no-commercial use :lol: )

You model with both a stylus and a spacenavigator simultaneously? How does that work, exactly? (I just got my hands on a tablet system and my spacenavigator is in storage…)

I never would’ve even thought to try using them together like that…

I wish it was like that. At least in Blender, which is what I use, it’s not. Stylus “clicks” and SpaceNavigator actions can not happen simultaneously. In addition, Blender’s “paint select” mode, which I love, disables the SpaceNavigator even when not clicking. Doh! :x

In practice, it’s not too big a deal, because it’s easier to “mouse” on the screen when the view isn’t flying around. The hands just take turns with their respective HIDs. I liken this to the Metroid Prime Trilogy’s “lock on” mode. In that game, you generally have great freedom to look around with the Wiimote, but when you hold a modifier button on the Nunchuk, you can no longer turn the view. It’s easier to attack enemies with precision that way, and the same holds true when you’re “attacking” vertices, edges, and polygons. :wink:

This isn’t my complete setup, because I’m moving soon, and have a lot of workspace items in boxes, but this at least shows you my Intuos4 + SpaceNavigator + keyboard + multitouch trackpad combo. My left hand does a dance between the SpaceNavigator, keyboard, and trackpad, and my right does the same, only substitute the tablet in there for the SpaceNavigator. I never touch the SpaceNavigator with my right hand, or my stylus with my left, but the MacBook Pro is fair game for either hand. I just tuck the stylus into my palm with my thumb in order to type a little bit, when necessary.

I’m impressed, Jessy.

I would think that sort of configuration requires Buddy Rich level ambidexterity.

if nothing else it is incentive to learn

BUT do you mean that in terms of having one of these in each hand ?!

I’d like to see the Logitech reply to this mouse (they at least understand the need for lefty mice).

Urgh … there are only 2.5 3D applications I can use with a stylus: Cinema 4D, ZBrush and sometimes Blender. All other 3D applications feel clumsy being used with a stylus, IMO. I also find a mouse to have more precise control in a 3D app than a stylus (except Zbrush). Weird - but hey. Whatever floats your boat, eh? :wink:

The mouse with the thumbstick looks nice. I could imagine that it works. But it also might not. Hard to tell by a video only. That’S something you always HAVE to try yourself.


So … anyone already having recieved their mouse yet? Any impressions so far?

Just curious…