A Couple Unity Questions

Hello, I have been watching the Unity Engine for about six months now since I read about it in Game Developer Magazine. I’m interested in using Unity, it has a lot of features that would work well for a current project, but I have a few questions.

I don’t own a Mac and they are rather expensive. I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on which might work best with Unity. I thought about a Mac mini, but then I can’t run parallels and have Mac and Windows, which was something I really wanted to have. Also I’m going to be working with simple 3D models and particle effects. These would be made on another computer and transferred over when ready, but I don’t know how the Mac mini would handle them.

I want to code in C#, which Unity supports, along with javascript and Boo. Do I have to know javascript and Boo as well, or can I just use C#?

Also can web player games be multiplayer? From what I have read, I’m pretty sure the answer to this is yes, but I just wanted to make sure. Is there a recommended limit to the size of a web player based game?

Well, I would just like to state that the game I’m designing is not very big, or complicated, I’ve learned my lessons from the past. Thanks for your help.

Starting with the shorter responses:

Yes, Web Players can use networking.

No, you don’t have to know Javascript or Boo. You can use C# exclusively if you want to.

People use computers much slower/older than Mac Minis with Unity. You should have no problems getting your models over onto it. Also, as far as I know there are no problems running Parallels on a Mac Mini, and if it really won’t work you can always Dual Boot Windows onto the machine.

Welcome to the forums, hope my answers helped you. :slight_smile:

Sure you can. Just not with the original Mac Mini that uses a G4, but that’s several years old now and can only be found used anyway.

It would be fine. You’d have to do the particle effects in Unity anyway, not on another computer.

No, you can use whatever language you want. It’s best to keep it to one language anyway.

Yes; size limit depends on your target audience (i.e., whether you expect them to have a fast or slow connection).


Thanks alot for your help. Another thing i noticed about Unity is that it has a good community. I have another question though. Under the indie license can web player games work on windows?

Yes, but there will be a little “Unity” logo in the corner.