A few Cardboard VR questions.

I used to do many project with the old SDK (GVR) and I haven’t used the new open sourced one so much so I have a few somewhat basic questions to speed up my project.

  1. We used to navigate on the game view with alt + left mouse drag to rotate the head around. Is there a new way to do it or should I just implement my own preview rotation???
  2. Is there a production ready reticle solution or should I implement my own???
  3. Should I go with 2020 LTS (preliminary tests show good compatibility) or Stay with 2019 LTS?

Would say it kind of works. There are some details not yet addressed, like sluggish head tracking, and missing stereo separation between left, and right view. The errors are already pointed out in the code, and promised to be included in the next version. It has also no method for recentering the tracking when the XR system is running. Hoping for that too.

And the XR system are currently only rendering the default cardboard squared view, which is kind of nice. But it would be even better if the player had an option to use the full width in devices with 21:9 displays.

You can follow the progress from here: