The exception reporting works great, awesome job!
I do have a couple of requests though, to make it even more useful.
- Support for logging an error when using Debug.LogError. Right now I’ve gotten around this by throwing a new Exception with the message passed into Debug.LogError, but it would be nice if this was something that was built-in, if possible.
- The option to pass a custom string along with an error/exception. In my game, I have a “session log” that tracks important events, here’s an example:
Start on title screen clicked
Item purchased, money: 500
Stage started: 10
Stage failed: 10
It would be great if I could pass in the last 250 or so characters of my session log, since that gives some context as to how the error might have occurred. There is support for this in Flox analytics (fantastic Flash/Starling analytics package) and it’s been invaluable for tracking down some tough-to-find errors.