The method you gave me first initially made more sense to me; coming from Maya, Shake, FCP, etc., the idea of keyframing the light color is very familiar.
I ran into a couple of issues with it though: one, while I did get the keyframes set up, the values would scale higher than I had set them e.g., at 0:0, keyframe color to black, at 2:0 set color to 50% grey (white would actually blow it out), at 3:30 set color to 50% grey again (to create a constant color between 2:0-3:30), and at 4:0 set to black again for the fadeout. Oddly enough, I found that between 2:0 and 3:30, the color would ramp up to somewhere between 50% grey and white, which seems wrong. It makes me think the keyframe interpolation is a spline tangent. In Maya, I would correct this by selecting the two keyframes in the Graph Editor and clamping those frames to a step tangent (which would give a perfectly flat line or unchanging value between those two frames), but Unity is not Maya, and I don’t know of a similar function within it.
The other issue I ran into is what I would consider a user interface bug…when I would set the color of the light and go to the timeline to right click to set the keyframe, the ticker would jump to wherever I had right clicked, which would both destroy the change I had made and made it really annoying to try to keyframe on an exact frame. It would be better IMO, if the keyframe ticker only moved with a left mouse click, and right clicks should only bring up the context menu for keyframing. Less aggravation that way.
In the end, Eric’s script and method works beautifully for me, without any of the aforementioned issues. I do, however, have one small problem: I can’t figure out how to scale the GUITexture so it fits the whole screen. When I first created it, it had a Unity logo on it, which I replaced with the single white pixel texture. The color value on the GUITexture correctly controls the color (even with a white texture, as Eric said) and the color opacity changes the opacity of the texture. I attached the script he provided, which works beautifully. The problem is that I can’t figure out how to make it any bigger than the original Unity texture that was on it. Eric said:
but I can’t find where to set this. When I select the GUITexture in the Hierarchy view, all I get is what is in the below image. Am I missing something obvious and stupid here?
Sorry to bug you guys with things so small, one day I hope to return the favor of all your help. Maybe I can make some assets for you or something one of these days.