A GUI error in script??? HELP,Please!!

I created a Unity Script for my main camera but error popped up again and again… I want to add the main menu with the presenting and attractive style but Unity is showing that there are errors…
Here’s the code:-

// Make the script also execute in edit mode
@script ExecuteInEditMode()

var cyberXZone : Transform;
var background : Texture2D;
var skin : GUISkin;
private var isCompany = cyberXZone.renderer.enabled == false;

private var isLoading = false; // if true, we'll display the "Loading..." message.

function Start()
 isCompany = true;
 company = Instantiate(cyberXZone);
 company.transform.position = new Vector3(20.14709,5.569142,12.45592);
 if(isCompany.Time.timeSinceLevelLoad = 10.0)
		isCompany = false;
		while(timer < fadeTime)
			tunnelAudio.volume = Mathf.Lerp(0, tunnelVolume, timer / fadeTime);
			timer += Time.deltaTime;

function OnGUI()
 if(isCompany == false) {
if (skin)
GUI.skin = skin;
Debug.Log("GUI Skin object missing!");

var backgroundStyle : GUIStyle = new GUIStyle();
backgroundStyle.normal.background = background;
GUI.Label ( Rect( (Screen.width - (Screen.height * 2)) * 0.75, 0, Screen.height * 2,
Screen.height), "", backgroundStyle);

GUI.Label ( Rect( (Screen.width/2)-197, 50, 400, 100), "Car Race",

if (GUI.Button( Rect( (Screen.width/2)-70, Screen.height - 160, 140, 70), "Play"))
isLoading = true;
Application.LoadLevel("1"); // load the game level.

var isWebPlayer = (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXWebPlayer ||
Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsWebPlayer);
if (!isWebPlayer)
if (GUI.Button( Rect( (Screen.width/2)-70, Screen.height - 80, 140, 70), "Quit"))

if (isLoading)
GUI.Label ( Rect( (Screen.width/2)-110, (Screen.height / 2) - 60, 400, 70),
"Loading...", "loading");

Error is:-
Assets/main menu-car.js(16,39): BCE0044: expecting ), found ‘=’.

(Filename: Assets/main menu-car.js Line: 16)

Assets/main menu-car.js(16,41): BCE0043: Unexpected token: 10.0.

(Filename: Assets/main menu-car.js Line: 16)

Assets/main menu-car.js(18,27): BCE0044: expecting :, found ‘=’.

(Filename: Assets/main menu-car.js Line: 18)

I hope someone can help me…And thank you in advance…

if(isCompany.Time.timeSinceLevelLoad = 10.0)

should be

if(isCompany.Time.timeSinceLevelLoad == 10.0)

in general (and I mean very general) terms, = is used to set a variables value, == is used in conditional statements to compare values.