i just threw together this little test (nothting special) because i want to know how well such a thing performs on old gfx-hardware below a 9200er (<miniMac).
Exit: Press the ESC-key
Alter the objects amount by using the mousewheel.
And another one: I’m still looking for audio-software on the Mac which is freeware or in a low shareware region. I already tried out Audacity and Sound Studio which both sucked.
Concret i would need to edit at least WAVs, easy selecting envelopes, let the selection play in loop. Additional to that some standard filters like compressor, fadings, …
Yep sure…but hey fillrate is due to the gfx-card. ;O)
This is interesting as i also do have a 9800PRO in my pc. A normal 9800PRO on pc beats a 9800XT on the Mac in this scenario (according to outcast’s numbers). I do get here:
It’s done with blitzMax because i needed something done quick and working on my pc is ways faster due to the faster machine and so compiling/debugging takes less time. But don’t get me wrong this is no unity sucks statement. Just my personal situation. :O)
looks like it does (but seems there is no 3d support?).
BTW: Don’t you have GarageBand Taumel? I use it for everything audio related and it works quite well (escpesially when you want to combine different sounds or else tweak the existing sound in any way)…
Amadeus seems to do little but changing levels of bass/discant or volume…
It’s an OO language based on basic with roots in java but compiles to a native executable. The IDE is VERY simple and one step up from a simple text editor. Other/more powerful IDEs exist, some are free, some aren’t.
Max is currently 2d, cross platform (OS X, Windows, Linux) and has networking capabilities. It’s fast and they’re currently working on a GUI for games to use (buttons, text boxes, etc).
A 3d engine is in the works but it seems to be a long way from being released. Since one can access C/C++ native libs from Max I’ve heard of people using APIs of open source engines to do 3d (Irrlicht comes to mind).
It also has a library for dealing specifically with opengl but I don’t know a lot about it since I only used it for a little while.
According to the author(s), development is moving slower than expected. Looking at the big picture of what’s been accomplished and what the goal is, it’s definitely not an easy task. Most if not all of it is WAY over my head.
BTW: Don’t you have GarageBand Taumel? I use it for everything audio related and it works quite well (escpesially when you want to combine different sounds or else tweak the existing sound in any way)<<<
Yes i have. Can i load and edit samples with it? I already had a short look into it but it looked like a sequencer+softsynth to me. Is there a way to load/edit/save waveforms? Beside of this i won’t need it as i still make my music with my nordlead3 with whom i’m very happy. :O)
As again for blitzMax my opinion is:
+) Very fast.
+) Very easy.
+) Very cheap.
+) Short devtimes.
+) Multiplatform support.
-) The IDE is well be polite >ascetic<.
-) 3d engine is not finished yet. But beside of using external ones like pavlov mentioned you can also use pure openGL 1.1 and so yes 3d is possible but you’re on your own… :O)
-) Documentation.
-) Communication/Feedback to/from the developers.
-) The way they deal with their community sucks.
-) Updates.
Bottomline is that it suits well for some cases and doesn’t for others. It’s like with any other gamedev-tool i have used/tested so far: The one which makes you really happy is still missing…
Im actually considering purchasing it for simple 2d stuff, did this fullscreen thingy in like 5 minutes
Global width=800
Global height=600
Graphics width,height,16
'Load Jr image:
Global jrGrafic=LoadImage("jr.png")
While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
DrawText "This is a test from Magic Medicine",((width/2)-64)-100,((height/2)-64)+150
'Draw jrGrafic on screen:
SetScale 1,1
DrawImage jrGrafic,(width/2)-64,(height/2)-64
But Again not a real challenge for Unity (yet) since it’s mostly 2d for macintoshs… But coding in that Basic-like language seems to be, quite basic!
About garageband, im not sure about the waveform capabilities but I suspect they are simple…
You will be happy with it as long as you won’t encounter any problems.
But when they show up you will also experience the major drawback of it:
The lacking communication with the developers and the way they act to their community. For me this is a major reason not recommending this product without pointing this out! You have been warned.
Where in Garage Bands can i import/edit/export waveforms?