A little bit of joy

I believe this is my first post to these wonderful forums. So I’ll just go right into it.

I’ve never programmed at all, or made games myself before. So I’m feeling really accomplished right now :sunglasses:.
The tutorial game “Space Shooter,” the part where you have to create the explosions with the asteroid… Just made my day. The guy in the video created the explosion for when you shoot the asteroid, with all his fancy VFX and code. And afterwards he said “Now we must create the player explosion when it comes into contact with the asteroid.” I thought to myself for a few seconds and decided I should try this myself, so I paused the video and that’s just what I did. Managed to write my first ever code creation using a basic if statement and that Instantiate line.

Moral of the story is… I’ve never programmed, so managing to this after watching Roll A Ball and so far into the Space Shooter game I’ve been extremely confused. Creating that first line of code for myself just felt like success and probably the most excited I’ve ever been about something so small like typing on a keyboard. So even though I’m new to this… I do have to say I must continue, because that was an awesome moment, and if any new people are struggling, you’ll really feel the excitement once you get to it yourself.:slight_smile:

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Way to go! Yep, it’s intoxicating. Programming is like being a wizard… to the uninitiated, it looks like you’re just twiddling your fingers in random patterns, but those adept in the deep mysteries understand that you are wielding tremendous power… the power to create (and destroy) entire universes will be yours one day. You got a taste of that power today, and I predict you’ll never be able to stop.

But I do recommend turning around and acknowledging the family now and then, for example when waiting for Unity to finish a build. Name tags for the kids are a good idea, too.