I have being working to port our game to Windows store but every step forward give us a new issue, I need some help with this because I’m a little offuscated with it right now, I don’t know what to try now. I’m going to explain all proccess for the port and if you need some code just ask.
First, all the main project is develop on a Mac runing Unity 5.6.3p3 and we use Wwise too, the last version. From this mac we build the game without any problem to Mac/Win standalone, iOS and Android.
For the windows store version I copy the project folder to a Win 10 pc with VS 2017 and the same version of Unity. The first problem I get when open the project is with the Wwise integration it gaves me erros with ‘TypeInfo’ class, I resolved this issue changing Scripting Backend to .Net and Api Level to .Net 4.6.
Doing this the Wwise problem is resolved but again I get new erros, for luck I can coment the scripts with those erros without affecting the game so until here all it’s fine.
Now I can run the game on editor without no error, so the build phase began. When I build and run on the machine I have an error with the AssetBundle Manager, every asset I try to download says that it can’t be descompressed, but the same Asset work on editor and ofcourse there are no problem with bundles on the other platforms.
I think (and hope) this is the last issue I have to fix but don’t know what else to try.
Thanks for the help!