A little detail on FPS Sample Registries - 2/11/2019

Hi All!

I posted this reply in a thread, but its good detail that may be lost in that thread. The thread was looking at reducing fps sample build sized by excluding levels and items from the build.

AS for registries! These things are fun, lol… If you delete a pre-fab that is registered in on of the registries, before you un-register it. You are screwed (errors, and hard to fix.)

Same goes for if you copy a prefab that is already-registered, before un-registering it, that pre-fab-copy will go ahead and try to slam it self into the registery and screw it up too!

It best when creating, to add all the stuff(scripts) and not copy, then register it correctly as new. FPS 1.1 (prior registries were done differently)

So to remove existing prefabs that are registered, you will need to go into each pre-fab that is not going to be used, and de-register it, to cleanly delete it… (then you can delete the prefab)

Well, and be sure all references to those deleted and un-registered prefabs are no longer called.… You can do that, by going directly to the registries and tracking down each item that is registered in each register and un-registering it before you delete it.

BE SURE YOU DON’T NEED IT, and are not referencing it anywhere, before you do this. Or its going to be a bad time… :smile:

The registry’s are stored here : *Bundled Resources\Shared*


I don’t know if I would delete the projectiles first… hehe… It was just an example.

this is the first i have seen of registries info. thx. I will be curious to see what you find in the latest build.

Thanks! From the patch notes (I haven’t looked directly at the structure yet), it sounds like the need to know what registries are has been greatly reduced, with registration being done at build instead of in the editor :smile: