a little walktrought in the game

Hello! This is just a simple walktrought in the scenario of the game that we are doing!. It’s done with Unity indie!
It’s in a very alpha state but, well…
Ah! the music is original score for the game!

Well, excuse my english, please :slight_smile:


Wow! Very, very nice. Look wonderful and some of the work (lens flares, water etc) is done really well! Can’t wait to walk through that!

Two minor things …

  1. The skybox seams can be seen at the edges. I think they need the “clamp” button checked.

  2. The music started for a few seconds about 1/2 way through loading the level, ran for a few seconds, then stopped. It started normally when fully loaded up.

Really nice work.

Very nice! The toon shaders work well for the style.

A few things:

As davey said, the sky box seams. Set each skybox texture to “Clamp” in the inspector. Its under the “Repeat” label.

Some of the geometry doesn’t look good with the toon shaders because it has very long skinny triangles and too sharp of edges. I think you can afford a few more polygons here and there to soften objects and edges a bit.

The trees are great except the leaves look out of place. The way to get cartoon leaves is to put them on a black background and then use a cutout shader. This shader should work: http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=UnlitAlpha

Some of the tree shadows hang off the edges of things. I’m sure you are probably aware of it but I’ll remind you anyway :wink:

Reminds me of early zelda which is a good thing! :slight_smile:

Lol, when you say that you mean “Ocarina of Time” since you weren’t even born yet when the first 3 Zelda games came out :wink:

This scene does look really cool with the toon shader and I like the environmental pieces like the terrain, rocks, and nice job on the water even if it is “indie” water.


Yog is 14, right? A Link to the Past should have been out when he was born (I was born in the late NES era, and I’m only 15). Whether he understood videogames enough to play it at that time is another matter. :smile:

I really like this thing. Its got style, kinda reminds me of Okami even.

“Link to the Past” came out in 1992 so it might have been the Yoggster’s first game as he was born that year? I’m sure he came out of the womb with a SNES controller in his hand proclaiming himself as the second coming of Miyamoto :wink:

Oh, you’re right. :stuck_out_tongue: Well, he could have played Links Awakening for the Gameboy (that was my first Zelda game).

Yep, I’m talking about the Ocarina of Time. Man I love that game.

a bit late to the thread (moving atm ugh…) but very nice blue. i love the style you got going there - any hints as to what the gameplay is going to be like?

aside from what others have mentioned the only other thing i noticed is the rooftop of the building you pass doesn’t seem to be smoothed completely.

well done ; )

It’s at the top of my list too. It has an artistic soul to it that you really don’t see these days. I think the music is a huge part of my fondness for it. And for the record, I just played Ocarina for the first time a few months ago so it has nothing to do with some nostalgic factor. It’s simply one of the best games ever made IMHO.

Yeah there are some texture seam problems, but nothing too jarring. Overall it’s really polished.

Very nice, keep us updated on that one! :smile: