A memory difference between Unity6 and Unity2022

We are making a development world game for IOS platform, and we recently upgraded the Unity engine.
As the title describes, we found a huge memory difference between Unity6 and Unity2022 through Memory Profiler.

  • The above are the results of analyzing the memory after packaging with different versions.
  • Unity6 has smaller memory allocation, but Resident Memory has increased by 500M.

  • Unity Object is almost the same size

Judging from the total allocated memory, it is understandable that managed objects and Native objects have a certain increase, assuming that this is required by the newly added functions of Unity6.

Since Resident Memory cannot be obtained in 2022, I am just curious why Unity6 has 500M more memory. This is a devastating blow to the mobile side. Our game could run on iphon7 before, but will crash after the upgrade.

Has anyone encountered the same problem as us?
Is there something we’re missing that’s causing these memory increases?