A user opened a thread about asset store but it was locked by a forum moderator. Then, this same user opened another thread discussing the behaviour of the moderator , and would you guess? The same moderator appears and locks the thread. Thus, I propose to make a rule disallowing a moderator to lock a thread critical of themselves, and require another moderator to look into the case before locking the thread in order have judgement from a neutral side.
P.S. I have nothing against the beforementioned moderator, and this thread is by no means an attack on their person. It just so happened to be an example.
And you really shouldn’t. It is simple, if you have serious problems with the Asset Store, write to the support. The moderators have shown enough leniency even keep that thread open.
Problem is, there isn’t that many moderators here at Unity forum, for this rule to be practical.
Some moderators are unpaid contributors to the forum.
We should be thankful for having such activity here. Even tho sometimes we may not agree with. But majorly, their judgment is spot on.