A new game without a name...

Hi again unity community,
A week ago, I started a new project (after stopping the last), the new project will be am RPG, at the moment the game has no name. I wanted to ask if anybody has a good idea for a name
Also, I wanted to know, what do you think a good game should have (exemple: multiplayer, non-linear worlds, billions of weapons, puzzles, etc…).

If you have good ideas for the story, please tell me about them! :slight_smile:

(My old project => http://forum.unity3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=10302)

Sorry, I nearly forgot to tell about the currnt state of the story:

A man (any ideas for his name?) creates a gate through the time, but he’s is pulled into it, so that he lands in another time. Something went wrong during the travel, because in this world live knights, medieval people and sci-fi soldiers from the far future with giant war machines and people like us with modern weapons.
The protagonist tries to survive in this strange world that, at the first look remembers a poor medieval country, but then, robots with laser guns come and destroy everything.

Okay, that’s the entire story until now… What do you think about it? :slight_smile:

Oh, yes and the man wants to rebuild his timegate, so that he can return into his time…

I’ve been waiting for this… Im glad your making it! Maybe even add some other dimensions that will randomly appear as portals in different parts of the land because of some tear in the time and space thingy. (Maybe even the classic apocalypse theme in one? You zoom through time until you reach the end of the world or something like zombies or what not. different time periods, maybe you could even try this(now this is awesome): You have to get machine parts for the time thing from (Jesus, Allah, etc. anything, sorry I don’t know your religion…) which would be cool. Thanks for this game, it should be great!

the main character should be named Bob :smile: . and the name could be “Collision”

A man called Bob Collision voyages trough time and dimensions tries to find machine parts to build a new time gate, but some stupid zombies want to kill him because he could stop apocalypse? :shock:

Now that’s really original! :smile: Why not?

@ Spud: Why Bob “Collision”?

@The religious part could be a bit difficult, because the game could be forbidden in some contries if there are missions like “Kill Judas”, “Steal the holy grale to put it into your time gate”, etc…

(ps: … or “Take revanche for Jesus”, “Atheist-Execution” or “Allah vs. Buddha” etc… :wink:

This sounds like a cool story concept. I don’t know why, but it kinda feels like Indiana Jones meets Time Travel. Hehe.

Indiana Jones travels trough the time?

:shock: Great idea!

Okay, seriously, the basic story is done, but what else will happen in the game?
Maybe a pastor who wants to kill the king of the country where the player lands?
Or a witch in a rocket base who enslaves the populations of the other dimensions/times?

(ps: I have too many ideas at once :roll: )

Idea thread, I like it! With all this, start a team here and ddevelop PLENTY of games! This is really cool. Be sure to ask for help with anything you or your team needs. Later!

I’ll start a team when the story is done, at the moment, I have thousand ideas!

@ Spud: I think Bob ‘Collision’ is a good idea… maybe I could modify it a bit (Bob Collson or something like that).

bear in mind that it is a lot of work to make ideas into games. there are obviously billions of ideas on this forum, but not all of them make it to Unity at all. This one is an idea to fight for, though. keep up the good work! :smile:

waiting for screenies of any kind…

Tomorrow, I’m going to create some first characters and obbjects…

Maybe you should create a formal design doc? It seems like such a thing would have potentially prevented the last game from balooning out of control.


Very helpful (I did that :stuck_out_tongue: )

Also, an RPG is usually VERY content heavy. Maybe that’s your thing, though.

If it’s a tactical style, the thrill is in the tactics more and the amount of content could be reduced somewhat.

In order to make the story compelling, don’t forget to ask the question, “Why?”

Why is this guy trying to make a time gate? Why are all these things happening? Why does he want to go back?

The answers may seem simple or trivial, but actually the answers to those questions define who the people are and what the stakes are in the central story crisis. Without asking those questions and giving relatable answers, your audience will have no empathy for the characters and ultimately feel uninvolved.

What is the flaw of the character he must overcome to accomplish his goal? Often in RPGs it is the very tried and true (yet boring?) answer, the character is too weak/inexperienced and must gain more experience. If you want me to care maybe it should be something more.

In Back to the Future, Marty has two passionate goals he must achieve. His own existence depends on his Mom and Dad falling in love (which he inadvertently interrupts) and he wants to save his buddy from getting machined-gunned to death (something he witnesses before he travels back in time.) Pretty strong stuff.

In other time-based stories someone wants to go back and change something tragic like a fiance dying in an accident. Something that could be so easily overcome. These are the types of things that make your audience/player care.

In this story, you have the main character, but you also have this clash of tech. I assume the high-tech stuff is VERY limited in number because medieval weapons really are no match for mecha, no matter the siege weapons. Watch a film like Nausicaa of the Valley of the WInd to see a GREAT mesh of clashing tech. In that world, there are remnants of tech from a destroyed world. So, there are occasional technical wonders mixed in with masses of slightly older tech like guns and tanks and then armor and swords.

Already I see the scope getting carried away again. If this is one of your first games… why not something like Portal? Much more limited in scope, but beloved.

Aaronsullivan, the “Why?”-question is something I was thinking about for long time and now I have some good ideas:

Bob Collson is the son of a misterious scientist, Johny Collson. Bobs parents divorced when he was 14 years old, since then, he never saw his dad again. Several years later, Johny C. and his assistant disappear and they will never return, but Bobs finds his fathers testament. He succeeds Johnys house.
There’s a locked door in the house, Bob tries to open it and he finds the lab of his father. He finds some strange machines and Bob wants to discover their functions, but then, he accidentialy activates the time gate. The gate pulls him into the other dimension, the world without time.
This world is something like a crossroad beetween mutiple times and dimensions, many creatures and people from different time periods entered this world and can’t leave it anymore, so that its population is growing continusly.

What do you think about it? :?:

Why does Bob care? :smile:
Why doesn’t he sell the estate and live happily off of it?
Why does Bob have no one else with him in this endeavor?
Why doesn’t he leave the door locked?
Why does he want to make the contraptions work?
Why was his father making a time gate?
Why did his parents divorce?

Just giving you an idea of what I mean.

That background story for Bob offers a lot of “whats” to maybe muster some empathy BUT very few whys. :slight_smile:

I hope you understand I’m not critiquing here, just trying to get you to dig a little deeper.

Once you start answering some of those whys, other things lock into place more easily. Try to answer with stuff that’s less predictable but still makes good sense, if you can.

One more tip: It’s usually more interesting if the main character is driving the decisions and not just reacting to events he cannot control. In the original Star Wars movie, Luke decided to become a Jedi, he actively sought to rescue Leia and be included in the Death Star raid. If he just followed along with everybody and accidentally effected things, it would be FAR less interesting (See Anakin in Star Wars episode I.)


I forgot to say that the game shouldn’t be very tactical or composed of giant worlds. Yes, maybe it will be a bit like portal, with gates through time and space.

now I’m confused…