A new Hub release is available - v3.6.0

I opened my project in Unity hub and it now says connected, not connected…

And my projects are gone, and blank. Lot of work. Fortunately I backup but what happens when I try to open it up with the hub.

How do I get my project out of the hub. I do not like this, it is scary.

Can you please add an option to disable/hide these unwanted columns please?


Hub is only to quickly open a project it never deletes the actual project contents so it must be in some folder in your drive.

I have backups, always.

But it quite a surprise when you open in the hub and the project is empty. All those connection things?
A bit of documentation somewhere on the hub page would help.

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I’d be happy to see a new feature where we can pick the platform when creating a new project… sort of a pain to immediately have to open build options and change the platform each time. /feature request

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It truly boggles the mind to ponder over the specific customer demographic that these features were tailored for. I mean, it would just be absurd to go ahead and implement something that their customer base doesn’t even want.


You are an angel, thank you!

Shame on you Unity, add the old Hub downloads so this can be avoided in the future.


@Teila That is extremely concerning. Could you post your info-log.json and your editor log ? Also you say “my projects are gone”. Could I get more details about what is happening ? Is it one project, or every project you open, or all projects in hub ? How did you open the project ? By gone you mean it is as though it is a fresh project ? If you still have one of these wiped projects what are the statuses of the unity version control and dashboard columns ? If you open the project and go to the unity version control window is it connected to a repo ? Is there any commit history on that repo ?

If you have any time to answer any of those questions it would be greatly appreciated. We don’t want even a single person to be losing their work.

For everyone else

  • we are working on the licensing client issue
  • if you have the time please request the hiding/toggling project list columns here Unity Hub roadmap | Unity
    (via feature request button)
  • @Peter77 I will make it happen

Unity Editor Logs

  • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Unity\Editor\Editor.log
  • macOS: ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Editor.log
  • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Editor.log

Unity Hub Logs

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\UnityHub\logs\info-log.json
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/UnityHub/logs/info-log.json
  • Linux: ~/.config/UnityHub/logs/info-log.json

Done - have submitted 2 ideas under “nice to have”. The first was about columns we can toggle (and suggested an approach could be like Windows Explorer, where you right-click the headers and can check/uncheck the columns you want to display). The second submission was about being able to select which platform a new project should be for (vs. having to open build options each time to change it).


it should technically be optional and an actual bool option in the hub preferences but of course it isn’t already there :stuck_out_tongue:

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+1 for option to disable the new columns. They just add unnecessary clutter for something I’ve never used.


+1 for visibility toggle for columns


Thanks a lot, for the link. :slight_smile:

After the update to 3.6.0 it lost my license and getting the license attached to my logged in account didn’t work. I had to remove my seat activation and add the license manually using the license code.

But even then I was unable to open any project. The hub just displayed the animated loading icon forever when clicking on a project.

Reverting back to 3.5.2 worked for me. :slight_smile:

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The new columns disappeared in 3.6 for me, but I’m happy they’re gone. If people want to toggle them on, I think it’s fine if its optional thing but off by default.

Edit: Ok they just randomly came back, weird.

+1 for visibility toggle for columns

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+1 on visible columns here too. Just like praying one day each unity update will stop asking me to instwll vstudio community. I got rider. Me no need community.


please request the things here https://unity.com/roadmap/unity-hub


never had much luck with that system, it just doesnt feel like anyone ever reads it

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the new columns are an autumn joke?!
Most of us don’t need those… learn…


The new columns are seem to be from a point of nudging people towards their services, to which I find disrespectful in its implementation.

How is this helpful information to have here?
Do they switch often? Is this installation dependent?

At most there could be an icon / column which denoted to Unity Services, and with a hover state to see what services are connected.

As again, you’ve added 50% more columns for what purpose?

Furthermore, the window now scrolls horizontally when at its smallest size.