A note on correctly exporting C4D models with UV coordinates

I just wanted to post a note here with a solution to a beginner problem I had. (I couldn’t find the solution in the docs or elsewhere in the forum.)

I was generating models in Cinema 4D, applying a texture and generating UV maps within C4D, but the models would come into Unity without UV maps – any textures applied in Unity would be ‘all over’ – i.e., single pixel textures.

The solution was to apply a texture map in C4D that bit-mapped based. Using a procedural checkerboard surface as a placeholder would not export the UV coordinates correctly. I don’t know if I had something misconfigured in the FBX exporter, but I’m using the C4D defaults. Simply using a bitmap texture fixed the problem. I now keep a little checkerboard bitmap that I use as texture placeholder, as part of my standard assets.

Update: The bitmap must be applied to the diffuse channel.

Hope this message helps someone.

Cool, good stuff.

I also noticed when exporting from Maya, if you have a Blinn or Phong texture instead of a Lambert, it will not export properly to FBX and will either get a generic lambert replacement or show up with no texture. The checkerboard is probably applied internally in C4D, not as a normal material with the checkerboard file being referenced like any other texture, hence the FBX exporter not being able to parse it.