I am planning to make a Co-op survival game, and although i have a player controller with fully functional weapons, i want the other players to see a character model instead of the default cylinder.
Is there a way i can achieve this? perhaps even make the model wield the weapon object?
Also i am new to scripting so i may not know what you are asking me to do at some point.
Parent the charactermodel to the cylinder should work and then assign a script to the character that plays animations (walkcycle, runcycle etc) dependent on keyinput. Turn off MeshRenderer on the cylinder it isn’t shown in the scene
As said above, keep the cylinder and add the meshed model too (without colliders).
As it will be co-op and thereby networked:
Make a simple Awake check if the player is owner of the object or not:
If owner - Disable mesh renderer for model, keep capsule (well… you dont need to do that either)
If not owner - Disable capsule
Do RPCs with RPCMode.Others to play animations dependant on your input.
I don’t have any experience actually doing that, but that’s what I plan to do.
edit: Also, if you are very new to scripting, you will have to learn"a lot" of scripting if you are serious about making a co-op game. You don’t want to ask on the forums for every little thing, you would never get anything done.
(if you don’t know them) Learn the basics behind what I talked about now, like RPC and playing animations. It will make sense when you get there.
Good luck