A problem with an object following a player and camera?

So there is a player and a droid and a camera in the scene.

The player is moved with fixed update (because it has physics)
The camera is moving with lateupdate (Using transform.position of the player and an offset)
THe droid is following the player with fixed update (because if not the droid movement is jaggy) and it is also always on the right side of the camera (with transform.right)…
how it looks like…

So, when the camera rotates, the droid will always be on the right side of the player…
The problem I have right now is that when the camera rotates around the player, the droid movements are jerky/jaggy. I can fix this by making the camera move with fixed update but then the camera doesn’t follow the player smoothly because it doesn’t update every frame

So basically, how do I use 2 different types of update to make the droid follow smoothly?
OR, how would I use only one update(probably fixed update) for all player, droid and camera to accomplish a smooth following?

sorry my english is bad so might be a bit confusing

I get two ideas:

  1. Use one single script to control the camera and the droid so that you
    can make sure the camera and the
    droid move at the same frame.
  2. Use Vector3.Lerp to smooth the movement