Edit: the linked post is gone, and someone requested the project, so I uploaded it.
This is a single .aif sample mapped across an equal-tempered octave.
I’m posting the web player because it is so small, versus the standalone build. However, it’s really meant to be a standalone, so you can map your own keys. (The default is for the Q row on a U.S. QWERTY keyboard, so I recommend building an executable yourself and defining your own keys if you are using something else.)
I created this as a test, to answer someone’s questions about Unity’s pitch-shifting capabilities. I’m quite happy with how well it works, hence me posting it here. Check out the other post for the project file if you’re interested:
It’s about 40 lines of code, and probably rather portable to other projects. The one thing that could stand to be better-automated, though, is the Input Manager interaction. I didn’t see any documentation about scripting for it. Can we alter the Input Manager settings programmatically?
110057–126919–Sampler.zip (662 KB)