here is the error i recieve:
the error is on this line.:
if (pItem.isStackable)
I should note that the error only occurs when I build the game. It does not occur when I run the game in the editor.
I believe the error comes from trying to give the player a weapon in their inventory.
because this runs fine:
and this doesn’t:
the only difference is apple is an item and Sword2 is a weapon…
I have reason to believe that the build is expecting an Item to be loaded and not a weapon. (Weapon is a child of item. item inherits ScriptableObject).
here is the code for weapons and items (sorry for large file):
// Copyright(c) 2020 arcturus125 & StrangeDevTeam
// Free to use and modify as you please, Not to be published, distributed, licenced or sold without permission from StrangeDevTeam
// Requests for the above to be made here:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Item", menuName = "StrangeEngine/Item", order = 2)]
public class Item : ScriptableObject
public enum ItemType
Item = 1,
Skill = 2,
Equipment = 3
public ItemType type;
public int ID;
public string itemName;
public string info;
public int worth;
public bool isStackable = false;
//public Sprite icon;
public Dictionary<string, int> itemStats = new Dictionary<string, int>(); // "stats" that come in pairs, a name (string) and a number. for example ("weight", 22)
public Item(ItemType pType, int pID, string pName, string pInfo, int pWorth, Dictionary<string,int> pStats)
type = pType;
ID = pID;
itemName = pName;
info = pInfo;
worth = pWorth;
itemStats = pStats;
public Item(ItemType pType, int pID, string pName, string pInfo, int pWorth, Dictionary<string, int> pStats, bool pIsStackable)
type = pType;
ID = pID;
itemName = pName;
info = pInfo;
worth = pWorth;
itemStats = pStats;
isStackable = pIsStackable;
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Item", menuName = "StrangeEngine/Weapon", order = 3)]
public class Weapon : Item
public int Damage;
public GameObject WeaponModelPrefab;
public Weapon(int pID, string pName, string pInfo, int pWorth, Dictionary<string, int> pStatsfloat, int pDamage, GameObject pWeaponPrefab) : base(ItemType.Equipment,pID, pName, pInfo,pWorth,pStatsfloat)
Damage = pDamage;
WeaponModelPrefab = pWeaponPrefab;