Publishers can create folders wherever they want and name them whatever they want. They can even create folders with names like “scripts” just below the assets folder, which very likely would cause collisions with your own scripts or other third-party assets. Imagine you have 2 assets that imported files to Assets/scripts, how do you delete one of those assets without breaking the other?.. also, since publishers are allowed to name their folders whatever they want, locating a specific asset sometimes becomes a nightmare when an asset is published by “Jonhy C” as “sci-fi sound effects” is contained in a folder named “cool stuff”. So Unity should enforce all assets to be imported under Assets/publisher_name/asset_name/
+1. I might even go one further: Assets**/Licensed/**publisher_name/asset_name/ or something to that effect. I’d say the less folders being added to Project root the better.
I totally agree, this should be enforced as a standard.
As soon as I imported an asset I move everything it added to a specific subfolder assets/addons to keep them separated from my own files.
Sure, it’s a good practice, but sometimes you just inherit the project from another team member, and that’s the main reason why this standard should be enforced.
I agree in principle. But Unity requires certain magic folder names, so there are necessary exceptions. See:
Many publishers follow those guidelines. If everyone did, things would be much more consistent, and people would be less likely to unwittingly break assets by moving magic folders.