A strange case of "cannot find root motion transform"

Hi all,

We are facing a very very strange case of generic animation doesn’t appear to match rigged model.

Both the model fbx and the animation fbx have root transform, as we verified via Maya and Blender, but in Unity, it randomly fails on import, see following screenshots:


just by duplicating the fbx and re-importing them, the animation avatar will somehow become valid again, and we can play them in inspector and in-game without issues.

The problem is the randomness, both me and my colleague are able to reproduce the error randomly, with the same files. This confuses the hell out of us, because it’s like a phantom issue that appear and disappear in front of our face.

Same works in Maya and in Unreal, no problem whatsoever.

Should I create a bug ticket to unity? Anyone have good guess on why?

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really how to fix this annoying bug

Running into this too…

In export settings in Blender I changed “Armature FBXNode type” to Root (that’s Armature section). Worked for me, but I don’t understand how