A temporary fix to the Mesh Filter "Type Mismatch" error in latest versions

Ever since upgrading to Unity 2022.3.4f1, the mesh slot in MeshFilter became not working.
The selection panel will not show any mesh, and any previously set values will be prompted “Type Mismatch”;
though the rendering and other stuffs are all fine, it’s impossible to manually assign any mesh to any mesh filter.

I’ve named the issue but Unity staffs told me it’s been staged as duplicated, there was some dude pointing this out back in March, but still it doesn’t seem to be getting fixed by any soon.

Anyways, I found out that if you write a custom editor script for MeshFilter which does absolutely nothing, like this:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class MeshFilterEditor : Editor {
    public override void OnInspectorGUI() {

then eveything will be fine.


The issue that you describe and it’s status can be found here: Unity Issue Tracker - "Type mismatch" is assigned to the Mesh Filter Component instead of the Mesh when there is a "Mesh" Script in the project

You should have gotten this link once you got a reply from CQA that your report is a duplicate.

Currently fixes were done and right now what’s left is to wait for their relevant PRs to land and to verify that the issue is indeed fixed.

Thanks for replying, I did got this reply via email, though for some reason I can neither vote nor reply on the issue. There is also absolutely no progress I can see.

Hmmmmm, did you login, as you need to be logged in to vote on it

I should have mentioned, I tried to login but it seems the logged-in state is somehow buggy, every half minutes or so I’m redirected to the unity home page & lose my logged-in state. There might be some problems with VPNs (I’m in China so…)

What VPN provider are you using if you don’t mind me asking, there is a known issue with NordVPN, which is something to be fixed from their end…

I’m using Clash as agent, service provider is hitun.io, if it helps.

Hmm, then try filling out a Bug Report

Maybe our CQA team will be able to find something in your logs that could help out with the issue, also don’t forget to link this forum thread in the report when you do so.

Update: this bug is magically fixed in 2022.3.5f1 on my PC, though there’s nowhere to see a fix note.