I want to create an effect of inserting a texture on a mesh, like if you were sticking a stamp on a cube.
Please note that this is not a texture projection: in a projection the texture is scaled to fit the projection area, in my case I can’t change the texture area. This is a projection:
See how the smiley is being stretched in the right side of the cube? This is not what I need.
What I need is to “fold” the smile texture. The only way I thought of doing this is having a mesh with the smiley and somehow frame (mold) it on the cube, like a cloth. How do I do it? Is there an easier way?
One important thing I forgot to mention.
A simple solution would be to copy one texture into the cube’s texture by using GetPixel
and SetPixel
. Unfortunately this doesn’t work in my case, since the cube UV mapping has each face pointing to a different part of a texture atlas. So, when I use this technique I end up with half smiley in the right face and the other half somewhere else.