Don’t close the lid until the shutdown process is complete!
I made the mistake of closing the lid before the shutdown was complete now it doesn’t turn on anymore. The white light at the front lights up but the screen stays blank, and there is no startup chime.
I tried PRAM and SMC reset and it didn’t work. Most likely we’ll send it to the Apple repair guys but I fear they have to reformat the hard drives, making me lose my work.
Fortunately, I have a backup of my work in a flash drive but I lost 1 day’s worth of work, so its not all bad.
I just had a 2008 MacBook Pro with the same symptoms. Evidently the graphics card ate through the motherboard, but as they couldn’t turn it on at the store to verify that’s what occurred…not covered under the Nvidia deal!
I have a MacBook Pro that had the same issue, two months ago. It would not turn on, but the Apple store was able to diagnose it. It was a defective Nividia Graphics card which had been recalled for my model. I did not have an extended warranty, but the Apple Store was terrific and they fixed it for free.
No, that was just a coincidence. Closing the lid whenever won’t cause any problems (would be a really serious engineering problem otherwise, given how laptops are typically used)…I’ve done it before.
Also be careful that when you close the lid thinking that you’re putting it to sleep, you don’t get anything caught in it like a strap from a carry bag, because if it doesn’t quite close all the way it will greatly overheat and the fan will go crazy, which can damage the battery.
3D applications also fried my NVidia chip on my iMac this year (after only 18 months and of course no Apple Care). Bought a 13"MBP in replacement because I needed to get a Job done.
Logic Board replacement … too expensive at the moment (and especially waaay too time consuming).
I was hoping that the chip inside my iMac was a one-time problem. Apparently not.
Good to know that in my possible further Apple computers there will only be ATI. °__°
I’m on a PC again for exactly THAT reason. I can replace my parts myself, now. I love MacOS but damn …
Something similar happened with my families iMac. Someone turned it off by pushing the button on the back, and apparently there is a 1 in a 100 chance that it will corrupt your OS beyond repair, and the only advice was to wipe the drive. Luckily we had time machine though.
Hi, I’m new here but thought I might be able to help a little.
I also own a mbp and until I installed smcFanControl I had pretty bad heating issues.
I’m not saying it’ll stop all problems but I’ve had a 2009 mbp as my main dev machine for over a year running the 9600GT and the only time it gets to dangerous levels is when I’m running something like netflix + another intensive program.
I strongly recommend letting a mbp cool down a few minutes before closing the lid.