a19 and urp10

what’s the url to a version of urp v10 that I can test drive with this official a19?
I tried package manager>+>git URL> Graphics/com.unity.render-pipelines.core at v10.0.0-preview.14 · Unity-Technologies/Graphics · GitHub
(figured it’s the one with the package.json in it)
and I’m getting this

Subfolders work like this (just put the path like this into PM):

but I do stress that you need to do this for all: core, universal, shadergraph and visualeffectgraph packages as all required to be linked separately as git support on PM can’t pull dependencies. Graphics repo is huge so be prepared for this to take a LONG time.

Also worth noting that subfolder functionality was only recently introduced in Unity 2020.1+ but this doesn’t limit you as URP 10 is for 2020.2 anyway.

More info about PM and git subfolders here: Some feedback on Package Manager git support


alright let’s try

doesn’t show up

You are missing .git from Graphics.git. That being said, like mentioned earlier, Graphics repo is huge which could lead into some timeouts etc on PM (I wouldn’t know).

If you want to make sure it works, just clone it somewhere else and then just file link the packages one by one instead.

Tested this on my end using the link from #2 post, it does work (don’t mind the mismatched HDRP package here, only tried this for core package):

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thanks, the git was missing and also Git itself.
I finally read the console, it said git is not installed, to install it then restart both unity and the hub (which does path injection i think) so after finding git on the web and going pressing next 2 bazillion times, hopefully not installing some adware and adding .git after Graphics … it is loading and as you said it takes forever. I tried loading from an unzip folder and got this all time.

Workflow of this PM git could be improved easily. For example string detect the present of .git and add it if missing so I don’t have to do a machine’s job or learn yet another system.

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yeah i stopped the git import, went the local route and getting these puppies for lunch

kinda weird that core 31 would install from preview 26

Replied in how do you use the package manager with git? - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

How is URP 10 looking for those who have tried? Does it have deferred lighting?


Is AO showing up in the postprocessing stack?

I couldn’t get the git approach working originally so I ended up doing it this way (shared for anyone else struggling with git):

Go to GitHub - Unity-Technologies/Graphics: Unity Graphics - Including Scriptable Render Pipeline

Click where it says “Master”, then click “Tags”

Select which version you’d like to install. Click where it says “Code” then click “Download ZIP”:

Extract the ZIP to wherever you’d like. In Unity Editor go to Window->Package Manager and browse to the “package.json” for everything noted by rz_0lento (Core, URP, Shader Graph, Visual Effect Graph).


You may notice an error in the Console (I’ve been seeing this in each version for a while now):

The cause of this is a seemingly corrupted version of ICSharpCode.NRefactory.dll that gets included in the zip each time. Easy enough to clear up - browse to it on github from the page you downloaded the zip from and replace the version that came in the zip with that. For the above example that’s at: Graphics/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/Editor/ShaderGenerator/ICSharpCode.NRefactory.dll at v10.1.0-preview.2 · Unity-Technologies/Graphics · GitHub but depending on the version you’ve downloaded the URL will be slightly different, of course.

Click Download on the page for it, move it to where you extracted the zip in the subdirectory it belongs in:

Switch back to Unity Editor, it will do its thing and the error will disappear! :smile:


Likely because of git lfs, if you download to a zip from the website any git lfs objects dont get downloaded and you only get the pointer, clone the branch instead using a git client and add that git folder as the package folder

Do you recommend any specific git client (for Windows)? I don’t have occasion to need it for anything (generally speaking) and grabbing a zip is easier and more familiar to me than wondering about what I’m installing and what else gets installed along with it and what access it has etc… it does seem like an issue that someone (github?) should address that you can download the DLL on its own but when included in the zip it’s broken. I mean, when exactly would anyone want to “only get the pointer” right lol


Does ao show up as a ScriptableRenderFeature? It did for me in a18 after downloading graphics pkg. Just wish they would come out of alpha and into beta so this feature would show in the package manager.


After years of trying different clients I can only recommend Fork for Git on Windows:


Fork kinda fails on repos with lots of branches though and there are decent free alternatives (Fork costs 50 bucks now).

Also Fork straight up missed some common operation last time I used it (but then again, I abuse Git a lot so none of the GUIs really suit me in the end, I always return back to commandline).

I use TortoiseGit and it is such a great client with superb Windows Explorer integration. And free. Can only recommend it. Just today I realized when I pull a repo it offers to automatically stash and unstash open changes. Small but nice time saver.