AA and Jaggies

Hi All

Having an issue here regards AA, please check this image below, top image my artwork, bottom image is LerpzLives with texture removed, now look at the difference with the aa smoothing, top image looks rough, settings are set the same in project settings/aa, both set at fantastic

What am I missing here?



If you’re using some of the full screen image effects in Pro, you’ll find that they defeat antialiasing as described in this thread. Maybe that’s the problem.

Thanks Neil

I’ll look into this


Hi All

still having issues with this

Done a search and tried

  1. Changing card settings, still poor on both mac and pc!
  2. No post effects!
  3. VBL on!

This is for a stand alone game not web, I’ve read aa does not work for stand alone? is that a lie :slight_smile:

Could it be something a missed on import of mesh?

Have a missed anything else



Yes, it is a lie. :slight_smile: Of course it works for stand alones…different levels of AA, from 2X to 6X, are available for the various quality settings.

Nope, mesh geometry has nothing whatsoever to do with rendering. Maybe your graphics card doesn’t support AA?


Thanks for the help.

Those shots are from my workstation and as you can see the bottom one looks fine, very odd,



MrSweet, from what I see in your top image : you are using a glass refraction shader (Stained BumpDistort) on a glass panel. This is what disables AA. I am facing the same problem these days on an architectural project - together with the impossibility to see a refracting material through another refracting material. Truely, if these limitations are solved one day, Unity scenes will make a jump in terms of realism. I’ve read somewhere that it should be easier to fix such problems for Direct3D than OpenGL, so maybe we can hope for a few extra Windows options in the quality settings, as a start…

I know : easier to say it than to make it !