Hey everyone,
I’m noticing better performance on the APK build compared to the AAB build, with a difference of around 20 FPS. I’ve profiled both builds. I’m using Unity version 2022.3.14f1.
Is anyone else experiencing the same problem? Any insights on why this is happening and how it can be fixed?
I can’t think of realistic reason for that.
Try using Unity profiler and see what takes longer.
Also have a look into logcat. Maybe you have some exception being thrown in one but not in the other?
@aurimasc No exception being thrown
Here is the profiler screenshot (AAB vs APK), i matched the same scenario and looks like everything is taking longer in AAB build
Hi @arjungamer thats indeed very interesting - can you compare the performance of apk built for 32-bit vs 64-bit. I would assume the aab that you upload to google play will always choose the best arch (should be 64-bit) and this can be slightly slower.
I’m very interested if this helps to improve speed - are you using IL2CPP? If not please enable it in Release or Master config and disable develop build for pure performance comparisons
@RaventurnPatrick, only ARM64 is selected in Target Architecture, and IL2CPP is used in the Master config. I was facing this issue in the Release build, so I had to switch to Development mode for profiling
Could you try to pinpoint more accurately where it is slow?
It is super surprising to see any difference here. aab is just an archive from which apks are produced, multi-apk app and asset packs being the difference, but none of these explain the difference.