"AAPT Failed" error

Hi guys,

I’m getting an error when building out my Android player and I’m at the moment pretty confused about it. Here is is:

AAPT Failed!
Found 0 custom asset files in raw
Locale/Vendor pairs:

Creating 'raw.ap_'
Writing all files...
Generated 0 files
Included 0 files from jar/zip files.
Checking for deleted files
Archive is empty -- removing raw.ap_

PostProcessAndroidPlayer:PostProcess(BuildTarget, String, String, String, String, String, String, BuildOptions)

I have all the settings specified in the Android tab (icon, splash, publishing, etc.). I’ve verified that the keystore was created in the path I’ve specified. I put in my Android Market public key. I’ve referenced the alias that I set up in the keystore. I have the SDK’s tools and platform-tools specified in my PATH variable (though I’m not sure how to check if it’s set when Unity does the build). I downloaded tons of android packages (everything that I could download). I am on a Mac running OSX 10.6.6. Unity 3.3.0f4. I have my Nexus One device connected and have verified that my Mac can see it (using “abd devices”). If it matters, I have the Pro license.

I’ve been reading through tons of documentation (and will continue to do so of course). This project builds and runs just fine for iOS and Web. Any ideas? I just have no clue what “AAPT” even stands for! :slight_smile:


See if this page has any information that might help. There are a few possible suggested solutions.


Dude, you rock! Thanks a bunch!

It was because I had an empty Streaming Assets folder. Odd tool bug, but it’ll iron itself out eventually I’m sure. I’ll be sure to report it!