About 2D open worlds (top down) chunking

I wanted to create a 2D open world and wondered what the best method for chunking is. Let’s say I want to use tilemaps, do i have to greate a different tilemap for each individual chunk? What about the parent object with the grid component, do I have to create a grid for each tilemap or can I just keep the same one?
But now let’s also assume my project will be half tilemapped and half composed of free sprites for some reasons. Could making the sprite child of the aforementioned tilemaps (or grids) a good idea, or would this influence the sprites?
Or is there a completely different and simpler (or more efficient) method to do this?

Occlusion culling it only drawing what can been seen, I’d start with that, an easy way to do something like that might be to disable all objects that are a certain distance from camera.