Hello, good afternoon. Follwing the document, The maximun limit of active friends is 20, so if I wanted to increase it to 100, for example, what action should I take?
only 20 sry
The best course of action would be to submit a feature request in this thread to increase the limit.
I’ll answer if it helps. I asked through feature request, and I received an answer that I am not applying for more than 20 friend yet in beta.
in case this tread is still being followed. We recently upgraded the friends max to 50.
even 50 is extremely low. For meta quest, the friend cap is like 300+. If you are supporting cross platform then user will have many friends across different platforms. I only want to use friends so that I can send messages from one user to another, unfortunately they also need to be friends to send messages to each other. So now I have to write a workaround using cloud code modules where I force friendships using a service account before sending messages. The friends list is now no longer a friends list but a “list of people I can send messages to” which needs to be managed upon sending a message.
If your not looking into persistence of friends lists, then I believe vivox text chat might be the more appropriate solution:
I need to send an invitation to invite a friend to my lobby. While the vivox solution may work I feel like it’s a huge workaround to something that should be built in to the Friends or Lobby service. In this case it already is but I seem to be gated at every turn, meaning while the functionality is there it is not practical. I’d like a way to send an invite to a user (even though they are not my friend) so that they can receive it, process it, and join my online session. Currently to achieve this, I must use cloud code to convert from username to UGS id and to force friendship between two users, then I can send the invite, then I don’t care about the Friends anymore and can clear the users friends on the next request to avoid hitting the friend limit.
We ended up using Unity’s PushClient service with CloudCode modules.
That’s actually probably the best approach, since cloud code is server authoritative you can guard against user spam which is the reason why the friends service does not allow you to just send messages to anyone in the user base.
Thanks for keeping us up to date on this interesting usecase!