About gameobjects between scripts

This is likely a very silly question, but I am so unbelievably confused at the moment regardless. My goal at the moment is to create two scripts - Code #1 is made to activate Code #2 when a trigger goes off, and Code #2 is made to open a door as a result of Code #1. With that being said, I am getting the error that the name “RightDoor” does not exist in the current context. I am not sure how to translate the door in Code #2 because I am still confused on how gameobjects within C# work and how to get the code to know that I’m talking about the door in unity named RightDoor. The MovementActivator code is a script attached to the DoorActivator section in Unity, for reference. MetHelp is appreciated, thank you so much.

Communicating between gameobjects is a fundamental skill that all Unity devs should master. The best way, in my opinion, is to use events. I gave a reply to a an earlier question which might help here. It shows how to invoke C# events, which I think will suit your use case well.

How to use C# events (scroll to find my reply near the bottom).

If you wan’t to enable or acess to script you can try like that:

Second script you missing to add function GameObject RightDoor

Public yourScriptName Door

Public void Start 
Door = Object.FindObjectOfType<yourScriptName>();

 You will be abled to enable it or what ever you want to acess in your script.