About how to send MIDI information from Unity.

I am trying to build a Midi controller that can controlled by Leapmotion. So I want to use Unity to build this. But is anyone know how to send MIDI information out from Unity? I already bought MIDI Unified. But I dont know how to use it for setting how to send midi information.
Please help me.
Thank you very much.


This is my first posting and the lines of my message are going to be messy. Variable names are in spanish too, but they should be easy to understand.

I hope that you were able to solve your problem. Just in case it helps, I had to struggle with the same problem. This lines of code are working for me:

int canalMidiForiero = 15;

if (MidiOut.channelCache [canalMidiForiero].notes [p_notaEnFormatoMidi].on == true)
    int canalOcupado = canalMidiForiero;
    canalMidiForiero = BuscarCanalForieroLibre (p_notaEnFormatoMidi);
    Debug.Log ("CANAL FORIERO " + canalOcupado + " CHANNEL IS BUSY, maybe the note won't sound. I choose the channel  " + canalMidiForiero);

MidiOut.SetInstrument (instrumentacionVoces [voz], canalMidiForiero); // instrumento, canal 

MidiOut.NoteDispatch (p_notaEnFormatoMidi, segs - 0.01f, 0f, (int)volumenMidiCalculado, canalMidiForiero);

int  BuscarCanalForieroLibre (int notaFormatoMidi)
    for (int canalLibre = 0; canalLibre < 16; canalLibre++)
        if (MidiOut.channelCache [canalLibre].notes [notaFormatoMidi].on == false)
            return (canalLibre);

    return (0);